European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders




Fact and figures

The European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB) is the voice of European animal breeding and reproduction organizations active in ruminant, pig, poultry, aqua, and insect genetics. From small, medium, and global organizations, we cover a wide variety of actors breeding for conventional, outdoor, and organic animal farmers. Our mission is to engage in dialogue and raise awareness around the role of animal breeding in enhancing all types of animal farming systems.

Office: Rue de Trèves 61, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

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Craig Lewis

Bez naslova


The European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders is the association that represents the animal breeding and reproduction organisations and companies in Europe.

Members of EFFAB are involved in the genetic improvement of different farm animal species and represent a wide diversity of farming systems. Ruminants, pigs, poultry, aquaculture and insects are the main species covered by EFFAB members.

Together with members, EFFAB promotes sustainable, responsible, and balanced animal breeding.

EFFAB supports its members by :

  • Engaging on dialogue: Showing sustainability and transparency of existing and future breeding and reproduction activities to the downstream and upstream animal farming community, to politicians, stakeholders and, indirectly, to the general public.
  • Promoting to the EU, national and other bodies that policy and legislation offer an optimal legal framework for existing and future animal breeding and reproduction operations.
  • Stimulating European and (trans)national research in relevant technology disciplines for innovation and development in the animal breeding and reproduction sector.
  • Facilitating the members to gain the best support from European research and innovation policies.
  • In addition, EFFAB provides specific support to scientists, breeders and other actors by facilitating the communication and uptake of research and results of Research Projects.
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