EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures
Fact and figures
AnimalhealthEurope’s membership covers 90% of the European market for animal health products.
- Members: 95 + 1 associate member
- Founded: 204
Office: Rue de Trèves 45, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
web: , e-mail:
Board members
Gerritjan van der Ven (BALCHEM), FEFANA President; Séverine Deschandelliers (ADISSEO), FEFANA Vice President; Sigrid Pasteiner (BIOMIN), FEFANA Treasurer; Anne van Gastel (BASF), FEFANA Board Member; Thomas Hoops (NHU EUROPE), FEFANA Board Member; Peter Fidder (TROUW NUTRITION INTERNATIONAL), FEFANA Board Member; Bernadette Okeke (LALLEMAND), FEFANA Board Member; Peter Fisher (DSM), FEFANA Board Member; Irene Quintana (EASTMAN), FEFANA Board Member; Mickäel Rouault (CHR. HANSEN), FEFANA Board Member
FEFANA’s membership comprises manufacturers and traders of feed additives, functional feed ingredients, premixes and other mixtures of specialty ingredients that enter the food chain via feed.
What we do:
- Promote, defend and represent the common and general interests of the European industry of specialty feed ingredients
- Promote the benefits of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures, also in the context of current societal challenges
- Improve the understanding among the public of these products
- Maintain cooperative contact with EU and Member States’ authorities and other stakeholder associations along the food and feed chain
- Provide constructive input to the decision-making process of new legislation and support a harmonised implementation of the legislation in place
- Develop professional voluntary tools (codes of practice, etc.) that ensure the quality and the safety of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures
- Promote the sustainable development of livestock production by using specialty feed ingredients