National Union
of Agricultural
Fact and figures
L’UNARGA è l’Unione Nazionale delle Associazioni Giornalisti Agricoltura, Alimentazione, Ambiente, Territorio, Foreste, Pesca, Energie Rinnovabili (UNAGRA)
- Members: 320
- Founded: 1994
Office: c/o Fnsi, via delle Botteghe Oscure 54, 40186 Rome
web: , e-mail:
Board members
Roberto Zalambani (President), Gian Paolo Girelli (General secretary), Fabrizio Stelluto (Vice President), Geppina Landolfo, Roberto Ambrogi (Vice President), Efrem Tassinato, Mimmo Vita (President Scientific Committee ), Lisa Bellocchi (International Relations Manager)

UNARGA (est 1994) is the National Union of Journalists Associations for Agriculture, Food, Environment, Territory, Forests, Fishing, Renewables, Rural and Environmental Tourism and represents the official specialization group on the aforementioned issues of the FNSI (National Federation of the Italian Press).
UNARGA has a federative nature as it is composed of regional / interregional associations of journalists dedicated to specific sectors, called ARGA.
UNARGA, through its regional associations, its delegates and individual associates, is present in most of the national territory.
The associates are professional journalists and collaborators (publicists) both of the printed paper and of the radio and television media and of the new tools of communication and internet information.