



Fact and figures

Schweizer Agrarjournalisten

Journalistes Agricoles Suisses

Giornalisti Agricoli Svizzeri

  • Members: 200
  • Founded: 1957

Office: Roland Wyss, c/o foodaktuell, Fachzeitschrift für die Lebensmittelwirtschaft, Seftigenstrasse 210, CH-3084 Wabern

web: www.agrarjournalisten.ch, e-mail: info@agrarjournalisten.ch

Board members

Kirsten Müller (President), Jonas Ingold, David Eppenberger, Deborah Rentsch, Roland Wyss, Monika Gerlach, Etienne Arrivé


Kirsten Müller




Identity and imageWe promote the self-confidence and identity of agricultural journalists. We work for the recognition of agricultural journalists in public.

Needs of the memberWe consistently focus our activities on the needs of our members. With selected services we offer our members optimal conditions and framework for their daily work.

InformationWe regularly inform our members about events, training and further education offers and services, as well as about questions in the field of agricultural journalism.

Further education – We promote the further education of our members so that the requirements of professional specialized journalism can be met.

Contacts – We maintain intensive contacts with media representatives in television, radio, general and trade press, as well as the international exchange of experience. We provide background information through conferences, seminars, etc. We cooperate with other journalist organisations, make use of each other’s services and maintain relations with agricultural organisations.

Representation of interests – We are committed to the preservation of journalistic freedom of opinion. We provide our members and their employers with guidelines for the compensation of agricultural journalistic activities.

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