European farmers - European agro cooperatives
Fact and figures
- Members: 65 members – Copa represents 22 milion farmers and their families and Cogeca 22.000 agri-cooperatives
- Founded: Copa 1958 – Cogeca 1959 – Joint Secretariat 1962
Office: Rue de Treves 61, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
web: , e-mail:
- Copa and Cogeca are the united voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU, representing their views in front of the European Institutions.
- Together, Copa and Cogeca members, supported by the Joint Secretariat ensure that EU agriculture is sustainable, innovative and competitive, while guaranteeing food security for 500 million European citizens.
- Copa and Cogeca act as the central network for farming issues for its members and provides a platform for exchanges to develop solutions to any technical or trade barriers within the EU and beyond.
- One of the key goals is developing effective strategic policies and initiatives to raise awareness for the multifunctional role of farms, the importance of a decent income for farmers and the role of a agri-cooperatives.
- Communication is one of the key goals of Copa and Cogeca’s work as maintaining a strong presence within the EU public discourse by explaining our positions and showcasing our efforts towards the development of an agricultural and forestry sector that benefits everyone is key.