Federation for
Journalists in Forestry
and Agriculture
Fact and figures
Föreningen skogs- och lantbruksjournalister (FSLJ)
- Members: 84
- Founded: 1950`s
Office: Lagmansvägen 22, S-152 40 Södertälje
web: www.fslj.org
Contact: Anna Larsen (secretary) – anna.larsen@hushallningssallskapet.se
Board members
Melissa Dahlqvist (president), Lilian Almroth (Vice president), Anna Larsen (secretary), Linda Grimstedt (treasurer and executive of the IFAJ), Ann Richardsson (board member), Kristina Hansén (suppleant), Anna Karolina Eriksson (suppleant)

- The FSLJ is an association for journalists and communicators within forestry and agriculture.
- The organization gathers members from most agricultural publications in Sweden, as well as communicators from different companies and NGOs.
- According to the statues of FSLJ our purposes is to promote contact between the agricultural and forestry sectors and the press, to enhance work conditions for the press, to work for further education within the sector and to promote studies and journalistic assignment nationally and abroad, to work for a Nordic and international journalistic network and to encourage a good and friendly spirit among the members.
- The organization is the keeper of a larger donation, the Ivar Peterson grant foundation, that every year will support 1-3 members of the FSLJ in “further education in publicism within forestry and agriculture”.
- We aim to seek fundings each year to arrange seminars and courses to inspire our members and educate other journalists about agriculture and forestry.
- At larger events within the sector we gather present members for after works.
- The FSLJ has a long tradition as an active member of the IFAJ. In 2012 we arranged the world congress and our member Lena Johansson is the vice president of the IFAJ.