United Kingdom
Guild of
Fact and figures
British Guild of Agricultural Journalists (BGAJ)
- Members: 460
- Founded: 1944
Office: BGAJ, The Farmers Club, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL
web: www.gaj.org.uk , e-mail: chairman@gaj.org.uk, deputy@gaj.org.uk, secretary@gaj.org.uk
Board members
Ben Pike (chairman), Olivia Midgely (deputy chairman) and Nikki Robertson (secretary, non-member)

- Membership is open to anyone who earns their living mainly, or wholly, from agricultural and horticultural journalism and/or communication. Members also include photographers and broadcasters.
- BGAJ encourages high standards amongst its members, representing their interests and concerns, and maintaining relationships with relevant organisations in farming and the rural sector.
- Every year, we provide multiple networking opportunities for our members – whether through post-event receptions at major shows and events, or specific events – such as our flagship Harvest Lunch, held every October in one of the City of London’s historic Livery Halls.
- We promote schemes to encourage new entrants to the profession, to help them with training, and to provide continuing professional development and training opportunities to existing members.
- The Guild’s work also contributes towards a better understanding of agriculture’s social and economic importance amongst the general public.
- Written into our constitution is an ongoing commitment to engage with other guilds and international associations of agricultural journalists, to support our members in participating in international events, and to maintain membership of, and support for, IFAJ and ENAJ.