In Europe
Agricultural journalism starts here

We are the European network of agricultural journalists

national guilds
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agricultural journalists and communicators

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Posted by vstapic

Preliminary list of ENAJ events 2025

Here, you can find a very...

Posted by vstapic

ENAJ Video Contest 2025

ENAJ is pleased to launch its...

What to Expect

ENAJ members receive these benefits

Find unique agri stories with ENAJ press trips

Take part in thematic low-budget press trips across Europe

Visit EU institutions and organisations

Take part in study trips to EU institutions and other organisations

A flashback from Agromek 2016
Get invitations for events and agricultural fairs

Get invitations and special facilities at national events and agricultural fairs

Our Partners

ENAJ Associate Members


The ENAJ connects the agricultural journalists of Europe with one another.

Agri Journalists about ENAJ
``For me, ENAJ is the common roof, under which we shelter our thoughts for and about rural Europe. We are, in fact, a common voice that promotes European values and the richness of its diversity, and that is what unity really means.``
Marius Gavrila


Agri Journalists about ENAJ
``ENAJ means for me exchange and meeting with colleagues and getting exposed to other views in other countries. ``
Petra Aline


Agri Journalists about ENAJ
“A European journalistic community where I can meet colleagues, who are also lovers of agriculture and nature...”
dr. Szalay Attila



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ENAJ Yearbook 2020

Download ENAJ Yearbook 2020

10 years of ENAJ

ENAJ Yearbook

This is the first yearbook of the European Network of Agricultural Journalists, and it’s a milestone in our short history, which began in 2011. This yearbook serves as a kind of a directory to help you get acquainted with the ENAJ and its members and associated members in the European Union and the EFTA countries.

The yearbook provides an overview of the facts and figures of our 22 member guilds and associations, as well as our seven associated members. Here you will also find member names, addresses, and contact details, as well as goals and initiatives of 2019.

If you read them you will see that they are active and that a lot happened in the last year — not only in ag journalism but in the whole of the agricultural and agri-business sector.

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