Belgian Guild
Fact and figures
- Members: 67
- Founded: 1951
Office: BVLJ-ABJA, Karel Martelstraat 54, 1000 Brussel
web:, e-mail:
Board members
Luc Servais (Chairman), Griet Lemaire (Treasurer), Melanie Epp (Secretary, IFAJ delegate), Jef Verhaeren (ENAJ Honorary President), Liesbet Corthout, Jérémy Vandegoor, and Marie-France Vienne

BVLJ-ABJA is made up of three types of members: active members, supporting members and honorary members. Active members include those who practice journalism as their main profession and who mainly deal with agriculture, horticulture, and food and rural press.
The purpose of the association is:
1) To defend and promote the professional and moral interests of its members;
2) To assist its members in the exercise of their profession;
3) To represent its members before European or world organizations of which it is a member, official authorities of the country, and before national and international press associations;
4) To contribute to the training of its members and to the dissemination of information related to agriculture in the widest sense of the term;
5) To collaborate, within the limits of its means, in any activity related to the development of agriculture, food and rural affairs or to a better understanding of the challenges related to agriculture, food and rural affairs.