The Netherlands
Dutch Association
for Agriculture
and Horticulture
Fact and figures
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Land- en tuinbouw Journalistiek (NVLJ)
- Members: 125
- Founded: 1952
Office: Bosbesstraat 123 2564 PA Den Haag
web: , e-mail:
Board members
Co Scholten (Chairman); Frank van Suchtelen (secretary); Gineke Mons (General member); Sjoerd Hofstee (International representative)

The NVLJ is an association of which journalists and communicators are members. The members are active in the agricultural or horticultural sector of The Netherlands.
The Dutch guild is a network organization that offers members the opportunity to engage with each other through meetings, general assembly, excursions and/or courses. The main aim of the association is to offer network opportunities to connect it’s members to policy makers, companies and other parties with a broad interest in the field of agriculture and horticulture. Above all, the connection is based on the mutual recognition of the importance of journalism for these sectors.
The NVLJ also aims to improve the quality of journalism. One of the ways to do so, is to recognize the best articles of a given year. The best of the best is awarded The Golden ‘pitch fork’. Courses and lectures also contribute to developing or improving (journalistic) skills and therefore the quality of the work.
During the year NVLJ organizes all kinds of activities and meetings that offer the opportunity to write articles and/or network. The NVLJ-association is member of the international networks ENAJ and IFAJ. Both of these international associations offer the NVLJ members ample opportunity to connect with their colleagues near and afar, which is important for the international perspective of the members but also of agricultural and horticultural journalism.
At home as well as in the international contacts, NVLJ holds a strong position in supporting freedom of the press and offering opportunities to young journalists in horticulture and agriculture.