Webinar – Livestock farming in Europe: what does sustainability look like?

ENAJ associate member AnimalhealthEurope together with The Parliament Magazine organizes an online debate moderated by journalist Dave Keating at 9 September 2020 – 14:00 – 15:30.

Webinar: smaller, greener… healthier?

As Europe forms its strategies to deliver on the EU Green Deal’s goals of net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, restoring biodiversity, and moving to a clean, circular economy – the debate will focus on the future of the livestock sector in Europe and what sustainability measures will entail for animal health and welfare in livestock production.

Programme outline

  • Opening speech by Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety 

The EU Green Deal and its Farm to Fork Strategy: What role for animal health? 

  • Debate kick-off speech by MEP Norbert Lins, Chair of European Parliament AGRI Committee

Livestock farming in Europe: what does sustainability look like?


  • Jude Capper, Livestock Sustainability Consultant  
  • Martin Scholten, Director Animal Sciences, Wageningen University
  • Kurt Sannen, IFOAM Organics Europe
  • Julie Vermooten, AnimalhealthEurope Management Committee Chair
  • Norbert Lins, European Parliament AGRI Committee
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