The Village Festival challenge for AG journalists

The Association “Amici dell’Ortica di Malalbergo”, in collaboration with the Municipality of Malalbergo (Bologna Province) under the patronage of UNAGA (National Union of Agricultural Journalists Associations) and ENAJ (European Network of Agricultural Journalists), announces the first edition of the International Journalistic Award:

“The Village Festival. The social, economic, gastronomic and cultural heritage of the Community”. “La Sagra paesana, patrimonio sociale, economico, gastronomico e culturale della Comunità”.

The objective of the initiative is to spread and enhance the economic, social and cultural chain that generates local food festivals, such as the “Sagra dell’Ortica di Malalbergo”.

Particularly interesting are issues related to the development of sociality and inclusion, to the active role of volunteering, to the “yeast”, that festivals produce within the community, also in terms of cultural and intergenerational solidarity, of promoting knowledge and respect for the environment and eventually of economic results.

The challenge is open to members of the Italian Order of the Journalists and European journalists.

Only works (print media, radio, TV and web) published between the 1st of January 2019 and the 15th of June 2020 will be examined.

Works must be sent by 30th of June 2020 at the following email:

I° Place 2,000 euro
II° Place 1,000 euro
III° Place 500 euro

Winners agree to personally participate on the day of the awards ceremony, which will take place in Malalbergo (Bologna Province, Italy) at the beginning of September 2020, on the occasion of the “Sagra dell’Ortica di Malalbergo”.

Each participant must indicate in the e-mail: Author of the service (if Italian, providing National Order of Journalists registration details), Title, Publication Date, Title or Publisher, digital copy/image of the published piece or link to the website.

Author: Lisa Bellocchi

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