Slovenia celebrates first World Bee Day

On 20 May 2018, World Bee Day will be celebrated for the first time around the world, writes Tatjana Kren Hlebič, president of DANS, the Slovenian Guild of Agricultural Journalists.

On 20 December of last year, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously adopted a resolution by means of which it declared 20 May World Bee Day. The success is the result of the cooperation between the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association as the initiator and the Republic of Slovenia, and it represents one of Slovenia’s greatest diplomatic successes.

The main purpose of World Bee Day is to devote at least that day to raising the awareness of the global public of the significance of bees and other pollinators for humanity. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for experts, politicians, members of the economy and the general public to discuss the challenges related to conserving bees and to define specific activities that ensure their survival.

Slovenia is very eagerly preparing for the first celebration of World Bee Day. For the entire month of May, various events focusing on bees and pollinators will be held at different locations around Slovenia. Celebrations will culminate in the period from Friday, 18 May, to Sunday, 20 May, when multiple international events at an expert and political level will be held. Those will include an international ministerial conference, “The importance of bees and other pollinators for sustainable agriculture and food security” organised with the technical co-operation of the FAO.

May 20 is the birth date of Anton Janša (1734–1773), a Slovenian beekeeper, the pioneer of modern beekeeping and one of the greatest authorities on the subject of bees. The Austrian Empress Maria Theresa appointed him to the post of permanent teacher of apiculture at the new School of Beekeeping in Vienna. He became well known before his death in 1773. After 1775, all state beekeeping teachers had to teach the subject in accordance with his teachings and methods.

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