DG AGRI, the EU body tasked with agriculture and rural development, is inviting ENAJ members to attend a half-day conference on geographical indications – PDOs, PGIs and TSGs – at EXPO Milan on Monday 6 July.
Producers of geographical indications (GIs) from within and outside the EU will be invited to tell their stories and share their experiences. Discussions will focus on two aspects: the contribution of GIs to the sustainable development of rural areas; and the experience with various registration and protection systems, including the legal and practical problems encountered.
“Up to 15 places are available to journalists from across the EU,” says Adrian Bell, ENAJ’s communications officer, “so ENAJ members who are interested in attending should be quick to send in their applications.
“The offer from DG AGRI includes an entrance ticket for EXPO on Monday 6th July and participation in the conference, plus one night’s accommodation in Milan on Sunday 5th July and a welcome dinner at the hotel.”
Flights to and from Milan will be at participants’ own expense, Adrian adds.
Interested? Drop an e-mail to agri-media@ec.europa.eu (with a copy to adrian.bell@whisper.pr), detailing what media you work for (national/regional/daily/weekly/specialized, etc) and your full name and contact details. Organisers have promised to confirm places as soon as possible, so attendees can book favourably priced flights in good time.
More information on the conference is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/expo-milano-2015/cap-events/gi-win-win_en.htm
15 June 2015