Leave no farmer behind

Each day we ask for more from European farmers. Starting with new environmental expectations based on green policies, through adapting to the habits of new-generation consumers, to surviving the market turbulences caused by the Russian aggression on Ukraine. Yes, farmers can do it, but not alone by themselves. Society must stand behind the food producers and help them to bring this significant transformation.

At the meeting organized yesterday by the Belgian Guild of agricultural journalists at the JosTheys farm, COPA COGECA’s frontman, Pekka Pesonen, emphasized these thoughts in his address to the press. He appropriately concluded the presentation about the current situation in the sector with the military phaese “leave no farmer behind”.

ENAJ MC members Katharina Seuser, Vedran Stapić, Damien O’Reilly
ENAJ chairwomen Lisa Bellocchi with Pekka Pesonen (CopaCogeca) and MC members Vedran Stapić, Damien O’Reilly and Katharina Seuser
Jos Theys Boerderij
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