The FEFAC XXIX Congress will take place for the first time as a fully digital live stream session on 25 September 2020 (9h30-11h00 CET), in partnership with BFA (the Belgian Feed Association).
The roadmap towards a carbon-neutral feed and livestock sector is a central theme of the Congress. FEFAC will present its Feed Sustainability Charter 2030 (two-pager explanation), providing the EU feed industry response to the EU Green Deal Objectives affecting EU feed and livestock production. The Charter includes five ambitions addressing specific feed-related Green
Deal Objectives on:
- Climate change: Reduction of GHG emissions by promoting the use of the PEFCR Feed1 and the GFLI Database2
- Circular economy: Increased use of co-products and human inedible feedstuffs
- Biodiversity: Upgrading of the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines to facilitate the transition towards responsible and deforestation-free soy supply chains
- Sustainable food systems: Optimisation of nutrient efficiency
- Antimicrobial resistance: Animal nutrition solutions to support animal health & welfare
The Charter contains concrete feed sector actions at EU and national level featuring animal nutrition solutions that can help increase the sustainability of livestock farming operations. They are aimed to provide meaningful answers to growing market expectations as well as to increased
societal demands at EU and global level. On the road towards 2030, FEFAC will publish annual Feed Sustainability Charter Progress Reports, based on robust sector sustainability indicators, to measure how FEFAC members are implementing impactful, specific feed supply chain actions.
The Congress features a live expert panel debate between Michael Scannell (European Commission), Pekka Pesonen (Copa-Cogeca), Philippe Weiler (Lidl Belgium), Preben Sunke (Danish Crown) and Jean-François Timmers (WWF) on the Green Deal and market expectations to the European livestock & feed industry. The full programme can be viewed on the Congress website. The debate will be moderated by Rose O’Donovan (Agrafacts).
BFA President, Dirk van Thielen: “We want to contribute to the important public debate about feed sustainability, also in the digital space, by providing meaningful solutions for the sustainable development of the European livestock sector. I am extremely proud to welcome a “high caliber” expert panel at our joint FEFAC & BFA Congress.”
FEFAC President Asbjørn Børsting: “We highly appreciate the open dialogue with our partners in the value chain and public authorities, who are willing to assist the European feed industry in setting the right priorities, allowing it to fully exploit its knowledge as a global leader in innovative animal nutrition solutions to support our livestock customers. We consider the FEFAC Sustainability Charter 2030 to be a milestone in this process, raising the bar to a higher level”.
The FEFAC XXIX Congress takes place on 25 September from 9:30-11:00 CET and can be followed digitally, free of charge. Registration is necessary to obtain the livestream link.