ENAJ gains formal legal identity

Nov 17, 2013

The European Network of Agricultural Journalists is now a formally-recognised legal entity, nearly two years after it was founded.

The documentation was signed by Jef Verhaeren, the ENAJ Chairman, and the eight members of the management committee, at its October meeting in Slovenia. With a formal legal entity, the group is now properly recognised by the European Union and opens up the opportunity to consider grant applications to enable the fulfilment of proposed member programmes, networks, communications and more.

“It’s taken a long time to prepare the legal entity and to resolve a number of questions relating to it,” said Jef. “But it’s a significant step forward in realising the real ambitions of ENAJ, to provide a cohesive professional network for the agricultural journalists of the European Union, that can work to support individual country guilds and associations, as well as encourage the creation of new national networks where they don’t yet exist.”

The committee was in the country at the invitation of Slovenian committee member Tatjana Cop, who had prepared a comprehensive tour schedule to provide the committee members with a thorough understanding of the country’s agriculture and rural customs. Farm hosts included a member of the country’s 400-strong tourist farm network; vineyards funded by the EU’s Rural Development Programme; a rural crafts school housed in a monastery; a hugely successful orchid-growing enterprise, heated by geothermic wells, and the wildly popular ‘Milkomat’ scheme, which allows dairy farmers to sell raw, unpasteurised milk direct to the public from machines located on the streets of the country’s capital city, Ljubljana.

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