The newly elected ENAJ management committee, l-r: Yanne Boloh (France), Adrian Bell (UK), Damien O’Reilly (Ireland), Katharina Seuser (Germany), Hans Siemes (Netherlands), Jef Verhaeren (Belgium), Vedran Stapic (Croatia) and Lisa Bellochi (Italy). Adrian Krebs (Switzerland) was unable to attend the AGM.
A fresh chairman heads up ENAJ’s new-look management committee, following the elections held at the AGM in Herning, Denmark, last week.
Hans Siemes (Netherlands) was proposed as chairman by the nine newly elected members of the management committee, a move approved by AGM delegates. One of the ENAJ’s original founding members, Hans takes on the chairmanship from Katharina Seuser (Germany), who had held the position since 2016.
Two new members were also elected to the committee for the first time. Vedran Stapic (Croatia) is a regular participant in ENAJ events and a co-organiser of 2018’s successful Croatian low-budget press trip. Yanne Boloh (France) continues the good work of Erik Massin and Nicole Ouvrard, former French members of the committee.
Vedran and Yanne join the other re-elected committee members: Adrian Bell (UK), Lisa Bellochi (Italy), Adrian Krebs (Switzerland), Damien O’Reilly (Ireland) and Jef Verhaeren (Belgium).
New roles and responsibilities for the committee members will be agreed at their first full meeting following elections, to be held in Brussels in January. The election term is three years.
ENAJ would like to thank Agromek for its invitation to host the ENAJ AGM at the event, and for its superb hospitality and organisation.