Elections at the AGM

One of the topics of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on September 4 in Ljubljana is the elections of the Management Committee. There will be some changes. The current chairman HansSiemes already announced that he will step down. It means that ENAJ will get a new chairman or chairwoman. Candidates for the Committee can be proposed by the member guilds.

At the AGM in Ljubljana I will step back as chairman of ENAJ. After ten years as a member of the Management Committee, of which three years as chairman, I think it is good to handover my
position to another. In the beginning there was some doubt, now ten years later everyone is convinced about the necessity of the network. We work on a European level, knowing and seeing
how all of us in their countries work and think is always an eyeopener. It was an honour to serve ENAJ.
” the chairman said for the latest newsletter.

Another topic is a proposal to create informal members of ENAJ. Guilds/associations of countries which are a candidate for the EU and the guild of the former EU country the United Kingdom can
apply for the informal membership for three years. Journalists and communicators of the informal members can join all the activities of ENAJ and take part in the meetings but they don’t have voting

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