ENAJ’s first low-budget press trip of 2018 takes members to Germany. A technically focused visit will tackle the challenges and opportunities of dry cow management, and the roles played by feeding, housing and herd management.
Farming faces greater pressure than ever to reduce its use of antibiotics, amid growing concerns about resistance and the drugs’ continued effectiveness in human health. Research shows how selective dry cow management – treating only those with high somatic cell counts – can reduce overall antibiotic usage. Encouraging results, but such treatment protocols require close attention to detail, precise and fast diagnostic tools, and a strong relationship between farmer and vet.
Hosted by VDAJ (the German Guild of Agricultural Journalists), this low-budget press trip heads to the border lands between Germany and the Netherlands. It’s a thriving European dairy region. Starting on April 5, the tour includes visits to diagnostic laboratories, research farms, working farms in both Germany and Holland, and a meeting with the managing director of MSD Animal Health at its Boxmeer headquarters. Delegates will gain an insight into the planning of selective dry cow management, how German and Dutch vets are using modern mastitis treatment strategies, and how other factors such as housing can influence drug use and selection. There’ll also be a closer look at the strategies being pursued in pharmaceutical circles to ensure a safer, more responsible handling of antibiotics in agriculture.
The tour takes place over three days from April 5-7. Thanks to sponsors, the all-inclusive (two nights’ accommodation, transportation within Germany/Netherlands and meals) price is €130. Delegates make their own way to and from Germany.
The full itinerary gives more details about the various elements of the tour.
Any agricultural journalist from ENAJ members and observer nations may apply for a place on the tour. Places are limited to one working journalist per guild. To register, please contact your national guild or association. The closing date for national guilds to nominate their members will be March 5, 2018.