Details emerge for AGM in Denmark

ENAJ expresses its gratitude to Agromek for hosting ENAJ members for this year’s AGM, which will take place between 26-28 November 2018 in Herning, Denmark.

Agromek is Northern Europe’s largest joint agricultural fair, held every second year at MCH Messecenter in the Danish city of Herning. An important meeting place for the agricultural industry, the show’s seven different sectors attract suppliers, customers and business partners.

Agromek’s organiser is generously sponsoring ENAJ’s 2018 AGM, with a package including transport to and from the airport, two nights’ accommodation, an international press dinner, invitation to the Viking-themed opening dinner with 1,200 participants, participation in industry seminars, and entrance to the fair itself along with free lunches on both days.

The draft programme:

Monday 26th November:

  • Arrival and pick-up by shuttle from the airport (Billund or Karup)
  • International press dinner at Hotel Scandic

Tuesday 27th November:

  • Agromek opening day
  • In the morning: AGM
  • Press lunch
  • International seminars
  • Official opening dinner

Wednesday 28th November:

  • Agromek at your own pace
  • Possible farm visit – details to follow
  • Departure – shuttle from hotel or Agromek

The ENAJ committee will release further details in due course, including information about how to participate. In past years, up to two participants from each ENAJ member country have been invited to the AGM.

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