“Do we need the EU? Find out by yourself – 100 years after the start of World War I”
The European Network of Agricultural Journalists (ENAJ) invites agricultural journalists, 35 years old and under, from its 20 member associations to participate in this workshop, in Brussels. It takes place between 24 and 27 September 2014.
ENAJ member associations (see list below) may nominate at least one candidate each, but we have in total 25 seats for this event so we will create a reserve list based on your suggestions for a “second” candidate.
Please send your suggested participant(s) to Katharina Seuser at kseuser@aol.com by 30th July at the latest.
Katharina will directly confirm nominations by e-mail and will on 31st July inform those accepted from the reserve list in order to obtain a group of 25 participants with the largest European mix possible!
Wednesday 24/9
19.30 – 22.00
Arrival, check in at the hotel
Welcome dinner – offered by DG AGRI
Thursday 25/9
09.15 – 10.30
“CAP reform”, questions and answers with Roger Waite (EC Spokesperson) at DG AGRI, European Commission. Visit to Berlaymont (European Commission), the Midday briefing in the press room and AV services (tbc)11.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch in cafeteria
14.15 – 15.30
Visit to the Council and introduction to their media services
16.00 – 17.15
Visit to the European Parliament and introduction to their media services
19.30 – 22.00
Dinner – offered by ENAJ or sponsored (tbc)
Friday, 26/9
08.30 – 17.00
– 08.30 am: Departure on the hotel
– 10.00 am: Visit to a front line farm
– 11.30 am: Visit to the Cheese factory of Milcobel in Moorslede
– 12.15 pm: Chees lunch in Moorslede
– 14.00 pm: Visit to the Passendaele museum World War 14-18
– 16.00 am: Visit to Tine Cot War Cimetary
– 17.00 pm: Visit to CID LINES in Ypres (presentation & Belgian beer reception with snacks)
– 18.30 pm: Back to Brussels
Saturday 27/9
Optional: Individual visits/interviews, departure
The invitation includes
- Hotel accomodation in the centre of Brussels for 3 nights (24-25-26 September) – offered and organised by DG AGRI
- Two dinners (as mentioned in draft programme)
- Excursion by bus on Friday
Please note that participants must organise and pay their travel to and back from Brussels themselves. Meals not mentioned in the programme will also need to be paid individually.
ENAJ Member Associations:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands.