Apply now for the 2014 CAP Communications Awards








You are invited to take part in the 2014 edition of the ‘CAP Communication Awards’ organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

The Awards are aimed at showcasing best practice communication projects relating to agriculture, rural development, and the Common Agricultural Policy.

Are you currently implementing such a project or have you recently completed one? Would you like to share your experience with others?  Tell DG AGRI about your communication projects and you could have a chance to win one of the prestigious ‘Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Communication Awards 2014′!

Why participate?

All participants in the ‘CAP Communication Awards’ will have the opportunity to:

  • win an award organised by the European Commission and attend the high-level Awards ceremony and networking event to be held in Brussels in January 2015;
  • present their project to an international audience;
  • join the CAP communication network; and
  • develop contacts with professionals across Europe.

Don’t miss your chance to apply, the deadline for applications is Friday 31 October 2014, 12:00 CET.

How to apply

Visit the CAP Communication Awards website to access the online application form and to find out about the rules, eligibility criteria, and practical details on how to apply.

You can contact the Awards helpdesk with any questions or queries by email or telephone: or +32 2 333 59 54.

Please feel free to share this message on social media, e-mail and your own websites with anyone who you think may also be interested.

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