Join us on our trip to Russia from August 12 to 15! ENAJ and Barenbrug present the first in a worldwide series of Field Workshops: Healthy soil as a building block for a circular economy
Learn all you need to know as an Ag journalist on soil health, the current situation, the consequences, and the different solutions.
What will it be about?
Join us on this exploration: what does soil health mean in general in Europe, worldwide and what is the practice in Russia? What are its facts and myths, how do mixed farms deal with this, and what is the importance of grass in this whole matter? The workshop consists partly of presentations and interviews and partly of ‘practice’, so farm visits.
Ruminants such as cows, sheep, and goats turn to grass and herbs into milk and meat. That can be done a lot smarter with more knowledge of grass, soil and grazing techniques. The importance of soil health is still heavily underestimated. Actually, the soil is the first stomach of the cow. That’s where it happens!
Preliminary program: we will meet several specialists, for instance from Moscow University, meet representative of the government, farmers, (Russian) fellow-journalists and representatives of the Ag business. We will have discussions, explanations, interview possibilities and a lot of practical information.
And of course, we will visit the famous Red Square.
Where and when?
The Field Workshop will be held in the vicinity of Moscow, to which you fly on your own expenses. Within a little over an hour drive from the airport, we find a farm that is part of a bigger agro-holding, a very professional farm and quite unique for Russia. They are happy to host our event.
We expect you to arrive on Monday, August 12 and leave again on Thursday, August 15 after breakfast. Of course, your hotel and meals are included as well as all transport within Russia.
What does it cost and how do I apply?
Participation in this event will cost only 200 euros! First come, first served. We have room for about 15 journalists. Do you want to join us? If so, send your application before Monday, June 3 to ENAJ-trip-coordinator Adrian Krebs ( We will then confirm your participation asap, so you can book your journey.
On behalf of Barenbrug, Josephine van Gelder organizes the event. She is a member of the Dutch guild and has already organized numerous press trips for agricultural journalists, f.i. to Kenia, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania and of course in the Netherlands. For any questions concerning the program, please contact Josephine under
Here you can find a Registration form: