A friendly video contest to explain agriculture and its diversity across Europe

2023 subject: 2023 ENAJ Forum will be dedicated to young farmers – Thus, the second ENAJ networking video-friendly contest might explore: the reality of young farmers or young ag decision makers, the situation regarding young in agriculture (sociology, economy, technics, specialities…), special actions to promote young farmers. 

ENAJ launches its second networking video-friendly contest. The idea is straightforward: a short video (between 1:30 and 2 minutes) proposed by each guild member of ENAJ dealing with a single topic, the annual Forum one. Our purpose is to capture the attention of both – farmers and society. 

Videos will be screened during our annual forum event in Brussels (December) and will be live afterwards for a long time on the ENAJ website and social media.


Each guild member of ENAJ could propose one or two videos filmed with a smartphone. The idea is to provide insight into its country’s agriculture. A guild member or members must produce the video if it is collectively done.


Short videos are now everywhere where smartphone users are and help ag journalists to inform on their media channels and social media. 

As a European network, ENAJ wants agriculture to be seen and understood outside the boundary of their professional readers/listeners/viewers: how could we do that better than with the modern media? 


The video must be filmed on a farm (or on farms) of the guild country. It will be screened during ENAJ annual Forum and on the ENAJ website and social media.  


Each guild member of ENAJ could send one or two short videos in their language or English. Short written text in English must be provided to explain the video or give the details. The ag journalists presenting the video will sign a release waiver to ENAJ.


Videos must be submitted before November 15th (the deadline was moved from October 31st). MC members will be in charge of selection if needed. 


As a friendly contest, there is no “Oscar” as the main reward will be to be seen during ENAJ Forum. The best videos will be rewarded with one free participation in ENAJ’s first LBPT of the following year.

View of a Young attractive farmer harvesting carrots, Photo by: perig76@Depositphotos


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